Our pupils are mixed, aged from 4 to 18, and no longer engaged in mainstream schools.
Referrals can be made by the local authority, medical consultant or mainstream school.
Pupils could be those who are either awaiting a school place having moved into the city, waiting for specialist placement, in need of additional or bespoke provision, respite from mainstream school for a short period or perhaps have been excluded from school. We also help educate students with medical issues.
We have an inclusive philosophy and believe passionately in giving every learner in the service the opportunity to succeed. We are very proud of our young people’s achievements. In last Ofsted inspection, ‘Good’ the visiting inspectors were especially impressed with our pupils’ behaviour, progress and attainment.
Our staff have been praised for the care they take in looking after your children and in their planning for good and outstanding lessons.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.
Sarah Gillett