The Trust currently comprises a family of schools in North and Mid Devon. There is a shared ambition for ‘equity and excellence’, with our guarantee to children that wherever they are taught in the trust, their experience will be an excellent one.
Our distinctive model of school improvement leaders across both key stages in all the schools means enhanced staffing in every classroom, leading to accelerated progress for children.
We have developed and embedded in our curriculum a layered character education approach. This has been written based on the Trust’s vision of Inspiring Changemakers.
Reflecting in particular on the past two years in our society, it is very clear to families and staff that children have flourished as a result of their learning being rooted in character development.
Truly strong character develops when it is taught, caught, and sought: when virtues are discovered, explored and discussed, made sense of and then applied in the right way.
Children in our schools live and learn in environments where displays, conversations, relationships and attitudes all breathe character and virtue language.
Our Trust inspires a vision for children to be the best version of themselves. We believe that now, more than ever, we have a responsibility to play as adults to model and encourage strong character, shaping the next generation of Inspiring Changemakers.
Alumnis Professional Learning Programme
We have established a Curriculum & Character Programme in order to provide a focus for action research and curriculum development amongst Alumnis teachers - and for sharing interesting practice more widely in the region and nationally.
We work closely with other schools and multi-academy trusts, Plymouth Marjons University, the Diocese of Exeter and the Jubilee Centre in Birmingham.
The training programme includes workshops and we host a series of virtual seminars and lectures which feature local, national and international voices.
- For further details about the Alumnis C360 curriculum, please see here:
- For further about Alumnis Professional Learning please see here:
For a further conversation about how you might link with Alumnis, please email Neil Moir, CEO: [email protected]