Alumnis Professional Learning is a collaborative partnership of education providers focused on the very best professional learning, teacher training, leadership development, school-to-school support, across the wider Mid and North Devon area.

This collaborative approach recognizes the autonomy of schools to develop their own development plans and procedures, while at the same time rooted in a shared vision that system-led improvements come through sharing effective practices.

The Centre is chaired by Roy Blatchford CBE, Trust Adviser.

Programmes are shaped by a team of Alumnis Headteachers and School Improvement Leaders.  Research and evaluation are led by a second group.   An administrator co-ordinates the Centre’s offer, which is promoted via Alumnis Online.

Alumnis Professional Learning is a National Delivery Partner with the Church of England for the delivery of NPQs.  We work closely with the Colyton Teaching Hub, and have long-standing links with other national training providers.

Core Aims

We focus professional learning on four core aims:

Alumnis Schools are partnered with other high-performing schools and trusts in Bristol, Cambbridgeshire, London, Essex, Suffolk and Shanghai.


We have a publishing program that will see a first title in 2022.


The planned 2021-22 programme includes:


  • NPQ delivery, rooted in our outstanding SIAMS provision;
  • Curriculum development of embedded cross-trust themes: oracy, maths, early years, reading and phonics, Decision Spelling, STEM;
  • The promotion across the southwest of the Alumnis Curriculum 360 and Character Education model;
  • Research opportunities;
  • Identified subject and theme priorities for staff in Mid and North Devon, including SEND best practices; middle leader preparation; subject leader role; high-quality self-evaluation; leading an Ofsted inspection;
  • The Alumnis Excellence in Leadership series, involving partnerships with and visits to schools across the UK.


For further information please email [email protected]