Association for Character Education (ACE) - Regional Character Hubs
The ACE network is a Community of Practice that shares some of the country’s most innovative and effective Character Education.
The ambition is for all regions across the UK to have Outstanding Schools of Character who provide dedicated support to other local schools, to help guide and inspire them on their journey to embed character education.
The Alumnis Trust has been designated as one of sixteen Regional Character Hubs across the UK in partnership with ACE.
Character matters! Leadership across the Alumnis Trust fully supports the cultivation of characterful approaches at every level resulting in the whole school community benefiting from a collective vision and mission for education.
Every classroom and every educator across the Trust has developed a shared character and virtue language that has resulted in greater collaboration and shared accountability, reflected in the curriculum design.
Our approaches have seen our children (and staff) grow through opportunities to take ownership of their learning, character and wellbeing. Children can talk up and about their own character, articulating why character matters and its impact.
We welcome visitors to any of our schools to learn more about our approach. We offer flexible support to explore and discover Character Education principles and practices, enabling schools to continue to develop their own curriculum that holds character at the heart.

Plymouth Marjons:
This exciting and progressive partnership has emerged from an aligned vision to ensure professional learning is both relevant and inspiring for those training or working in schools.
The developmental areas of our joint working cover; curriculum, oracy, character education, co-design of short professional learning courses and providing the academic expertise to assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of research.
The partnership has enabled opportunities for Alumni’s staff to work with teacher trainees and for the university staff to engage in developing projects with both Alumnis leaders and emerging leaders.
Exeter Diocesan Board of Education:
The role and place of Church Schools in the overall vision of the Church of England is of prime importance and Alumnis believes in working with Exeter Diocesan Board of Education to ensure the continued quality of provision.
Alumnis and the Diocese are committed to working together in their drive for continual improvement. The Church of England Partnership ensures that all are working cohesively within a deeply Christian ethos, enabling all to flourish and empower those to lead and serve local, national and global communities. Alumnis strives for Excellence as Standard in every classroom in every trust school and values the professional working partnership with the Diocese in achieving this.

This partnership is enabling the work of Edukid’s Global Citizenship Programme and the Alumnis Character Education programme to complement and enhance our shared vision. By educating our students about culture, community and global issues this is actively empowering our students to exercise their roles as both global citizens and inspiring changemakers. With this partnership teachers are developed professionally by visiting Uganda and the pupils that each school in Alumnis sponsors. They teach over there and engage in continued learning, supporting not only our pupils of Alumnis but those globally.
The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership (CEFEL)
Alumnis are proud to partner with CEFEL to promote and provide continued professional learning for the educational leaders of the future.
The partnership has enabled the development of Alumnis leaders as facilitators and coaches for National Professional Church of England Qualifications, further enhancing practice and enabling them to deliver educational leadership that is unsurpassed and enables excellence for ALL children.

The School Nurse (SN) Service is working in partnership with Alumnis Trust to strengthen communication and support. As part of this exciting project members of the SN team have joined the Alumnis Social Inclusion Team, forming a multi-agency approach that is integrated within the school community while remaining employed by Devon County Council within the wider School Nursing Service. Plymouth Marjon’s University are conducting an impact evaluation study on this pioneering approach.