Alumnis Multi Academy Trust was created on 1st October 2018, originally a grouping of 6 rural schools we added a seventh to the fold on 1st October 2019.
In forming our Trust, we built upon an already successful partnership between the founding schools, including our teaching school, in order to continue working together to improve outcomes for our pupils, invest in our staff and stay true to our vision and values.
As a MAT made up of both church and community schools, we are inclusive and innovative and value working with like-minded partners in order to achieve the best for the children in our care. If you share this same philosophy, we would be interested in hearing from you.
We Believe that…
we should all love learning / we should inspire a passion for learning
the best learning is achieved through the provision of broad and stimulating experiences
that only through taking risks and making mistakes can we reach our full potential
we should always reach beyond our own aspirations and we will encourage others to do the same
we should always expect high standards

In Belonging we…
are all the heart of our community – local and global
are a community that values the individual first
Work hard as a team to improve the outcomes for all
recognise that we are all leaders and seek to develop the capacity to lead in everyone
Seek to understand, respect and celebrate the differences of our world (while educating ourselves in and seeking an explanation for ideals which we cannot reconcile in our community)
We will Become…
Independent and autonomous lifelong learners
Valued members of our communities who have the highest aspirations for ourselves and the highest regard for others
Successful, educated, confident and caring individuals